“Damsel” trailer (201) reveals an epic fantasy adventure that promises to subvert traditional fairy tale tropes, starring Millie Bobby Brown as the bold and intrepid protagonist. Directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and produced by Netflix, this exciting film explores courage, survival and self-empowerment in a world full of dangers and mythical creatures. The trailer begins with breathtaking shots of a mystical kingdom set in the mountains, with castles and lush forests stretching as far as the eye can see.
Millie Bobby Brown plays Elodie, a young woman engaged to a prince from a faraway land, seemingly set for a royal life. A voice over says, “Once upon a time, the story of a damsel was simple… until he decided to rewrite it.” We see glimpses of Elodie preparing for what she believes is a wedding, but the tone changes dramatically when she is betrayed and thrown into a deep, dark pit as a sacrifice to a scary dragon.
The music cracks up when Elodie, who is no longer a bride-to-be but a prisoner in a deadly situation, lifts her gaze and sees the dragon’s glowing eyes approaching. Instead of accepting her fate, Elodie decides to fight back. The trailer shows his wit as he navigates treacherous underground caves, battling not only the dragon but also facing traps, dangerous terrains, and fierce warriors who want him to stay in captivity. Millie Bobby Brown’s character is determined, transforms from a “distressed damsel” to a fierce warrior, learns to wield a sword, and survives thanks to her wit.